WINE-PRO (Digital twin for WINE fermentation PROcess optimization) project is an interdisciplinary cooperation approach to apply, consolidate and deploy a digital twin technology to the wine sector with a new system deployment in Puklavec Family Wines company. The main development goal of the WINE-PRO project is fermentation process optimization with correlation to the carbon footprint of wine products.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s i3 programme under grant agreement No 101083989. This project reflects the views of the author and the European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
The new solution enables the enologists at Puklavec Family Wines to:
- Monitor fermentation parameters in real time (temperature, sugar).
- Take action and manage the fermentation process up to 24 hours faster with a digitized fermentation sheet.
- Maintain centralized control over the fermentation process within the company.
- Optimize resource usage for regulating fermentation.
- Automatically store data for future analyses.
- Plan new products based on the analysis of the impact of environmental parameters on wine characteristics.
- Integrate with recognized cloud solution providers for managing products in the winemaking industry.
- Allocate more time for planning high-quality wines.